Between 18-19 October 2023 SSK&W shall be present at the new Green Economy: Balancing profit and purpose – the Business Booster to be held by EIT InnoEnergy in Amsterdam.

The Business Booster is the world’s leading event in sustainable energy innovation. You will hear from expert speakers, witness live panel debates, join in interactive sessions, and discover over 150 cutting edge sustainable energy technologies.

Szymon Syp will be present there.

For more see:*nnrnzn*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwmvSoBhDOARIsAK6aV7jvL__qBl-nYXFdkic2wtz0UPBvVZBms0PbnAH0LYFqMLr3nCNuqEwaAu2UEALw_wcB

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