SSK&W law firm advised once again our longstanding Client – Spyrosoft BSG S.A. (formerly known as: Better Software Group S.A.) – this time – on merger between Spyrosoft BSG S.A. and Spyrosoft BSS Sp. z o.o.

The merger took place pursuant to Article 492 § 1 Point 1 of the Commercial Companies Code and Article 516 § 6 of the Commercial Companies Code by taking over all the assets of Spyrosoft BSS Sp. z o.o. by Spyrosoft BSG S.A.

This is another projekt on which we advised the shareholders of Spyrosoft BSG S.A. (Mr. Bartłomiej Lozia and Mr. Sławomir Piwko) and the company itself.


SSK&W advised on implementation of ESOP

SSK&W advised on acquisition of an investor

SSK&W advised on buyout of financial investors (minority shareholders)

Spyrosoft BSG S.A. is one of the largest companies in the ICT industry in Poland, as well as the 2nd largest company in Poland providing IT services for the media industry.

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